Women Before the Cross" is the theme of our Midweek Lenten Series. Beginning on Ash Wednesday we will consider six women,
beginning with Eve and concluding with Mary, all who were ancestresses of our Savior Jesus, and how God used them both to provide for the
coming of His Son and to serve as examples of His gracious workings in our lives as we come after the Cross of Jesus.
March 5 - Ash Wednesday - Eve
March 12 - Sarah
March 19 - Rahab
March 26 - Ruth
April 2 - Bathsheba
April 9 - Mary
Please set aside a little time each Wednesday evening as, together, we make our Lenten Journey to the Cross of Jesus.
Ash Wednesday Service with Holy Communion will begin at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5.
The "Imposition of Ashes" will begin at 6:45 p.m. for those who desire to receive the Sign of the Cross marked in ashes on their foreheads.
Midweek Services will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the following five Wednesdays through April 9. There will be a Hymn Sing beginning at 6:45 before each of the Midweek Services after Ash Wednesday.